Amber city: Vilnius and a little trip to Siaulai, Lithuania. My internship. Part 5
After an hour of such walk I decided to sleep a bit and thus recharge my vital energy to continue sightseeing. In the afternoon we walked through the city centre I had opportunity to try a dish from the Lithuanian national cuisine called "Zeppelin". It was some kind of dumplings stuffed with meat, served with sauce.
Honestly speaking, I found a lot of simmilarities with my country. The fact that most of people I met spoke Russian made it even easier to adjust.

I also found my favourite place in Vilnius - some comfortable seats on the terrace of a bank. The sun was shining on our faces and half-sleeping I just enjoyed the perfect view of the city.It was strange, however, but I liked the smell of the city. This smell was very light and was flying in the air. It was adorable.
The very next day I decided to visit Siaulai, where my relatives lived. I didn't have much opportunity to sleep again, because my train was around 6 am. Having reached the city without any problems, I was glad to meet some relatives I had never seen before. They warmly welcomed me and we went to see Siaulai itself.

The song of the day:
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